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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

From Manet to Hockney

Categories: Reference / Catalogue, Essays

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Reference no.:R/C/UK/85.00 Place/Shelf:R2

Book title: From Manet to Hockney
Published by: Victoria and Albert Museum
Year made: 1985
Place made: UK
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 225 x 268
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: 'perfect' binding soft cover
Further information:
"It is sometimes overlooked that the National Library of Art, [in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London] in addition to being a Library serving public and Museum alike, is also a Museum Department in its own right and as such collects books as objects of intrinsic artistic merit. The collection of modern artists' illustrated books is one of the finest in the world and the items in this catalogue are a selection to whet the appetite. The catalogue does not aim to be a comprehensive survey of all our holdings but it does serve to give a good idea of the richness and variety of the collection, concentrating obviously on the most important artists and their works." (from the Preface)

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IMAGES: From Manet to Hockney

From Manet to Hockney - 1