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Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

La Belle au Bois Dormant

lithographs by: Warja Lavater
Categories: Bookwork / Image-graphic Books, Planographic Print Books, Printmakers' Books

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Reference no.:NL/Lav.W/65-82.05 Place/Shelf:4sthER

Book title: La Belle au Bois Dormant
Published by: Adrien Maeght
Year made: 1982
Place made: France
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 115 x 160
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: concertina fold in hard cover cloth binding, lucite slipcase
Medium: colour graphics and symbols, lithographs
Collaborations: Ateliers Arte, Paris
Further information:
'La Belle au Bois' Dormant by Charles Perrault and Bros Grimm translates Sleeping Beauty.

lithographs by: Warja Lavater

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IMAGES: La Belle au Bois Dormant

La Belle au Bois Dormant - 1

La Belle au Bois Dormant - 2

La Belle au Bois Dormant - 3