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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

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Title (click for details) Artist/s Publisher Year Image
ISBN 91 85752 12 6 Artist photographer: Bill Olson
Artist photographer: Roland Spolander
Wedgepress & Cheese 1980
ISBN 91 85752 12 6
Little Habits Writer: Athena Tacha
- 1980
Little Habits
Equilibrium and the Rotary Disc Writer: Robert Cumming
Images/graphics: Robert Cumming
Diana's Bimonthly Press 1980
Equilibrium and the Rotary Disc
Dressing Our Wounds in Warm Clothes Writer: Donna Henes
Photographer: Sarah Jenkins
Astro Artz 1980
Dressing Our Wounds in Warm Clothes
A Book Working: Six Books by Six Artists - 1980
A Book Working: Six Books by Six Artists
Flatland Writer: Edwin Abbott
Illustrator: Andrew Hoyem
Arion Press 1980
An Alphabet of Owls Et Cetera Writer: Donald Friend
Relief printmaker: Donald Friend
Publisher: Donald Friend
Gryphon Books 1981
An Alphabet of Owls Et Cetera

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