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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

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Title (click for details) Artist/s Publisher Year Image
Journey of a Wise Electron and Other Stories Writer: Peter Lyssiotis
Photomonteur: Peter Lyssiotis
Printer (offset): Ted Hopkins
Publisher: Ted Hopkins
Champion Books 1981
Journey of a Wise Electron and Other Stories
Salvage Photographer: David Hlynsky
Writer: David Hlynsky
Coach House Press 1981
Emotional Reactions Images/graphics: Janet Zweig
- 1981
Emotional Reactions
Bird of Passage Writer: Toma Fichter
Photographer: Toma Fichter
Tale Feather Press 1981
Bird of Passage
A Close Brush with Reality Photographer: Bart Parker
Writer: Bart Parker
Editor: Joan Lyons
Visual Studies Workshop 1981
A Close Brush with Reality
Initiation Dream Writer: Pauline Oliveros
Photographer: Becky Cohen
Astro Artz L.A. 1981
Initiation Dream
The Livre d'Artiste 1967-1980 Writer: W. J. Strachan
The Private Libraries Association 1981
The Livre d'Artiste 1967-1980
Once Upon a Tour Artist creator: Allison Brebner
Artist creator: John Brebner
Homeprint 1981
Once Upon a Tour
Muscicopoematographoscope Poet: Christopher Brennan
Hale & Iremonger 1981
Three Facts Designer, concept: Imants Tillers
Photographer: Imants Tillers
Writer: Imants Tillers
Double Vision 1981
Three Facts
Disappearing God Artist creator: Neal Taylor
Artist creator: Michael Mollett
- 1981
Disappearing God
ertappt Designer, concept: Susan Kretschmer
Verlag Hubert Kretschmer 1981
Hugo: fast ein surrealistischer Film Writer: Bruno Kleber
Designer, concept: Christian Appel
Images/graphics: Christian Appel
KLAB 1981
Hugo: fast ein surrealistischer Film
Das Buch als Kunstobjekt Curator: Hubert Kretschmer
Publisher: Hubert Kretschmer
Curator: Marie-Louise Schaller
Verlag Hubert Kretschmer 1981
Das Buch als Kunstobjekt
The Yallourn Stories Writer: Ted Hopkins
Publisher: Ted Hopkins
Champion Books 1982
The Yallourn Stories
Songs of the Vagabond Scholars Lithographer: Donald Friend
Printer (hand): Fred Genis
Beagle Press 1982
Songs of the Vagabond Scholars
International Artists' Book Show - 1982
International Artists' Book Show
The Flue - 1982
The Flue
Windows Photomonteur: H. Terry Braunstein
Visual Studies Workshop Press 1982

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