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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

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Title (click for details) Artist/s Publisher Year Image
Vampyr Designer, concept: Suzanne Horvitz
Images/graphics: Suzanne Horvitz
Writer: Stephen Spera
Synapse a Visual Art Press Ltd 1982
In the Second Half of the Twentieth Century Photographer: James Casebere
Writer: James Casebere
CEPA Gallery 1982
In the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
There Must Be Some Way Out of Here Images/graphics: Mary Alice Parsons
Women's Graphic Center 1982
There Must Be Some Way Out of Here
Prophesy Panorama Artist creator: Michael Peven
Primitive Press 1982
Prophesy Panorama
The Crossroads Novelty Corp Spring Catalog Artist creator: Paul Zelevansky
- 1982
The Crossroads Novelty Corp Spring Catalog
Black and White and Red All Over - 1982
Black and White and Red All Over
Imageries lithographs by: Warja Lavater
Adrien Maeght 1982

Books in this group.

Le Petit Poucet lithographs by: Warja Lavater

Adrien Maeght
Le Petit Poucet
Blanche Neige lithographs by: Warja Lavater

Adrien Maeght
Blanche Neige
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
La Fable du Hasard lithographs by: Warja Lavater

Adrien Maeght
La Fable du Hasard
La Belle au Bois Dormant lithographs by: Warja Lavater

Adrien Maeght
La Belle au Bois Dormant
Cendrillon lithographs by: Warja Lavater

Adrien Maeght
Myself Artist creator: Christian Appel
KLAB 1982
Mona Lisa Artist creator: Christian Appel
KLAB 1982
Mona Lisa
Confirmation Photographer: Allan D. Coleman
Designer, concept: Allan D. Coleman
Printer (offset): Michael Peven
- 1982
Cave Canem Contributor: James Casebere
Contributor: Jenny Holzer
Cave Canem Books 1982
Cave Canem
The Book of Slab Artist creator: Ted Hopkins
Champion Books 1983
The Book of Slab
Artists' Books 1983 - 1983
Artists' Books 1983
You don't greet me at the door anymore. Writer: Lori Christmastree
- 1983
You don't greet me at the door anymore.
Mother/Mate Messages; Is there a difference? Writer: Lori Christmastree
- 1983
Mother/Mate Messages; Is there a difference?

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